Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Need to Do Things Differently

My life has changed a whole fucking lot over the last year, primarily because I'm using sorcery to get what I want in life, and also because I'm working to create the life that I see fit for myself rather than just passively excepting it for how it is, as if every undesirable situation that I experienced at some point was some kind of lesson I was supposed to learn. I believe the universe is out to help us as much as we want it for ourselves, and that is our choice to enjoy the prizes along the way, if we so choose to, yet they were always there, and it's just that sometimes we might need a change in our perspective in order to better notice them or appreciate the ones we already have.

A year ago I started doing sorcery almost everyday. I'm actually feeling quite nostalgic writing about
it, as I was thinking about this last night when I had my first success with it on the first day I consciously chose those practices. I get feelings over how far I've come. I've told some of my friends that within a year I went from sleeping in a moldy basement to moving to California, being given a car, an amazing place to live with a million dollar view, a high paying job, and on top of that I'm going back to school for my second semester this spring!

What a year it's been! Yet, it's not last year, but this current one, and through all the failures I had and stumbled upon, mostly wanting love, I now can say that I have the girlfriend I wanted to be with, and for that I am truly thankful.

Please understand for a second how ridiculous this is to me, that within a year I was able to do all that, and make these changes. Regardless of my circumstances you are able to do what I did. Wanna know what I was doing before said moldy basement? I didn't work for over a year and spent that time on my spiritual development mostly with Franz Bardon's system 'Initiation Into Hermetics'. I was practically moving in the opposite direction that I am now!

It was only until I combined what I was doing with sorcery from the book, 'The Miracle of New Avatar Power' (NAP) that I began getting the results that I wanted. Or as one of my friends put it, "Yeah, once you started working with spirits your life really took off!" And that it did, and will continue to, as that's what doing the work is all about! Actual results. Life changing stuff begins to happen and it really helps having a nice relationship with meditation along with regular introspection before breaking trail into new unknown areas that you want to explore in life, after having known yourself a bit first.

I will confess that lately, I have mostly been doing the meditation and introspection side of the work, because I have been on vacation for almost a month now, and have been making plans for my future. Meditation frees one from the wreckage of distractions so we can better focus on achieving our goals. Too much meditation and one can become a "space-shot" with no personality, which I don't want for myself, so I simply combine the two together with the active practice being sorcery.

Meditation for me is that empty canvas, that empty set, and sorcery fills it in as the finished product, and the public screening.

Unconsciously, I had been looking for a system like NAP for awhile. I had been doing the practice out of Israel Regardie's book 'The Art of True Healing' where he guides you to practice the Middle Pillar, and combine the energy with the correct planetary correspondence color, and whether this worked out for me or not, it only got minor results. What was left out of the practice was the working with spirits part.

I also thought sorcery was immoral and wrong, partially because in Bardon's system, he kind of looks down upon it as a thing that only people who are immature in their development do, but you wanna know what I think is really immorally wrong and immature? Not going anywhere in life. Not having goals. Being overly dependent on other people. Meditation clears that path, but sorcery said to me "grab these reigns and please don't let go", and I landed in San Francisco.

I told myself that it will be the best year ever, and no matter what happened, it still is.


  1. Thanks a lot for writting this! I'm currently working with Brandon's system but I want to get resulta now. I want to be independent economically speaking and be able to have a Master degree in sciences in UK. So far the FB'S system allowed me to be successful to manifest practices in a research facilita but when I started applying it into cleaning the blocks I have for successfully manifesting wealth it started to get nuts. I am going to read the Book you commented that worked for you and try it. Thanks again!


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