Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Need to Do Things Differently

My life has changed a whole fucking lot over the last year, primarily because I'm using sorcery to get what I want in life, and also because I'm working to create the life that I see fit for myself rather than just passively excepting it for how it is, as if every undesirable situation that I experienced at some point was some kind of lesson I was supposed to learn. I believe the universe is out to help us as much as we want it for ourselves, and that is our choice to enjoy the prizes along the way, if we so choose to, yet they were always there, and it's just that sometimes we might need a change in our perspective in order to better notice them or appreciate the ones we already have.

A year ago I started doing sorcery almost everyday. I'm actually feeling quite nostalgic writing about
it, as I was thinking about this last night when I had my first success with it on the first day I consciously chose those practices. I get feelings over how far I've come. I've told some of my friends that within a year I went from sleeping in a moldy basement to moving to California, being given a car, an amazing place to live with a million dollar view, a high paying job, and on top of that I'm going back to school for my second semester this spring!

What a year it's been! Yet, it's not last year, but this current one, and through all the failures I had and stumbled upon, mostly wanting love, I now can say that I have the girlfriend I wanted to be with, and for that I am truly thankful.

Please understand for a second how ridiculous this is to me, that within a year I was able to do all that, and make these changes. Regardless of my circumstances you are able to do what I did. Wanna know what I was doing before said moldy basement? I didn't work for over a year and spent that time on my spiritual development mostly with Franz Bardon's system 'Initiation Into Hermetics'. I was practically moving in the opposite direction that I am now!

It was only until I combined what I was doing with sorcery from the book, 'The Miracle of New Avatar Power' (NAP) that I began getting the results that I wanted. Or as one of my friends put it, "Yeah, once you started working with spirits your life really took off!" And that it did, and will continue to, as that's what doing the work is all about! Actual results. Life changing stuff begins to happen and it really helps having a nice relationship with meditation along with regular introspection before breaking trail into new unknown areas that you want to explore in life, after having known yourself a bit first.

I will confess that lately, I have mostly been doing the meditation and introspection side of the work, because I have been on vacation for almost a month now, and have been making plans for my future. Meditation frees one from the wreckage of distractions so we can better focus on achieving our goals. Too much meditation and one can become a "space-shot" with no personality, which I don't want for myself, so I simply combine the two together with the active practice being sorcery.

Meditation for me is that empty canvas, that empty set, and sorcery fills it in as the finished product, and the public screening.

Unconsciously, I had been looking for a system like NAP for awhile. I had been doing the practice out of Israel Regardie's book 'The Art of True Healing' where he guides you to practice the Middle Pillar, and combine the energy with the correct planetary correspondence color, and whether this worked out for me or not, it only got minor results. What was left out of the practice was the working with spirits part.

I also thought sorcery was immoral and wrong, partially because in Bardon's system, he kind of looks down upon it as a thing that only people who are immature in their development do, but you wanna know what I think is really immorally wrong and immature? Not going anywhere in life. Not having goals. Being overly dependent on other people. Meditation clears that path, but sorcery said to me "grab these reigns and please don't let go", and I landed in San Francisco.

I told myself that it will be the best year ever, and no matter what happened, it still is.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Shem Angels, Genii, and NAP

Lately I realized the connection between the 72 angels of the Shemhamphorasch and the 72 Mercury Genii featured in ‘The Practice of Magical Evocation’ by Franz Bardon, because I have known for awhile now that many of the spirits in the book, ‘The Miracle of New Avatar Power’​ by Geof Gray-Cobb (NAP) also feature these angels, and so I wanted to learn more about them and their origin.

In ‘The Practice of Magical Evocation’ Franz Bardon​ states:

     "Many Kabbalists mistakenly consider the 72 genii of the Mercurian sphere as the Shemhamphorasch, which is the unspeakable name of God, as expressed through the four syllable-letters, YOD-HEH-VAU-HEH, the well known Tetragrammaton or Adonai.

     True initiates and Kabbalists are well aware of the fact that nomenclatures which also have
numbers affixed to them are numerical keys which refer to the proper use of the methods and directions given."

However, the 72 names given for the genii of the Mercurian sphere *are* the same as the Shemhamphorasch, yet with some nuances and tweaks in spelling. Most seem to appear verbatim as to how their names were originally listed in the Shem. With NAP, the spelling is often different too, yet you can still tell that they are Shem angels, because it would appear that Geof Gray-Cobb paired up these angels together as they were listed next to each other in almost all of the offensive NAP spells in chapter 8 of the book, like so:

Defensive Armor Ritual - 5. MAHASIAH and 6. LEHAHEL

Psychic Guided Missile Ritual - 35. KEVEQIAH (Chavakiah) and 36. MENDIAL (Menadel)

The Etheric Shrapnel Ritual - 37. ANIEL and 38. CHAAMIAH (Haamiah)

The Spirit Sentry Ritual - 55. MIBAHIA (Mehaiah) and 56. POOYAL (Poiel)

The Occult Judo Ritual - 65. DAMBAYAH (Damabiah) and 66. MENQAL (Manakel)

The Theurgic Booby-Trap Ritual - 3. SAITEL (Sitael) and 4. OLMIAH (Elemiah)

The only offensive spell that does not seem to pair two Shem angels together who are listed in a row features YECHOEL who is arguably not even a spirit from what I’ve seen, as it appears to be “a Hebrew name given to males meaning “May God Live” or “God Shall Live.” And the other being paired up with this “Hebrew name” is LEHAHIAH who is the 34th Shem angel. Together, these two work together in the Astral Bomb Attack spell.

Beyond that, it seems that the only other Shem angel who is worked with in the more popular spells in NAP would be IELAHIAH, the 44th Shem angel, who is called upon in the Incantation To Win Legal Action.

Every other spirit in the book would appear to be from various traditions, and I think it would do well to include some of them here.

Before I do this though, it would seem that similar to YECHOEL, who I previously mentioned, the spirit (Mightiest) DYNAMIS, also appears to *not* be a spirit, yet another word to describe something. In this case, it means “Miraculous Powers”. Appropriate, seeing as the name of the book has the word “Miracle” in the title and also because this spell is the Incantation to Give Power Over Others. The fascinating thing though, is that upon further research, it seems that this word is actually used to describe a class of angels as well. So this spell would seem to have the potential to tap into a whole pantheon of angel spirits perhaps. As an aside, pretty much any copy that one could find of this book, ‘The Miracle of New Avatar Power’ would be a used one, as it was published in the 1970’s and is now out of print. The page with this spell on it, in the hardback edition that I have, is the only page that has a crease on it from it’s previous owner. Possibly hinting that they really liked the power from this spell and used it a lot. Or maybe it even says something about the power that DYNAMIS had over them, seeing how it was the only page that was folded at its corner. Perhaps bending ones will like the page.

I also posted recently on my Facebook wall about how I have been studying the origin of the NAP spirits, and that I found where some more of them came from, beyond the Shem angels, which I discussed earlier in this blog. After performing the NAP Ritual, the first spell in the book (the whole book to me is like a giant spell) The Incantation for Winning Contests comes next, which works in the spirit LABEZERIN. It follows, with the second spell being the Invocation for Money with NITIKA. BOTH of these “spirits” are from ‘The Nuctemeron’ by Apollonius of Tyana, a work which some say derives these beings from Syrian lore. There is one more spirit from ‘The Nuctemeron’, known as JAZAR, who is worked into The Spell to Excite Love.

Here’s the thing though! Regardless of where the original source comes from, the author of NAP is speculated to have used ‘The Nuctemeron’ which states in the second sentence that:

“By these genii the ancient hierophants understood neither angels nor demons, but *moral forces* or *personified virtues*.” (Asterisk emphasis my own).

So what this tells me, is that these FORCES, are not necessarily spirits, beings, or entities, but more like a power that one is invoking, similar to a Hebrew God name, or other words of power that someone performing magic might use. Just like I mentioned earlier with YECHOEL and DYNAMIS which are names that describe something, LABEZERIN is the name used to describe the energy or force that represents success, NITIKA is a force involving precious stones (not necessarily money) however because of the amount of people whom have used the NAP grimoire, and the highly charged words of power used when working with NITIKA, it has become a massively powerful force indeed, and then finally JAZAR who is the “force” or “virtue” that represents love.

So right there, at least FIVE of the NAP spirits are actually more of a kind of energy, that when worked with, activates their power internally (similar to the NAP ritual) along with creating an impression that influences reality around us. I cannot tell you how grateful I was, along with the feeling of relief that came when I discovered this, because NITIKA never appeared to me like a being, but always like a bright building light of power inside me. NITIKA, in my opinion is a completely internal force through my own experience, though that is just me. Either way, this research seems to back up how I perceive it.

When we put into consideration, the techniques and methods used in NAP, a whole lot of what is taking place has to do with activating internal forces within us to get the job done. For example, at the end of the NAP rite one is instructed to say aloud, “I know now that my New Avatar Power is flooding to the surface”. Then one can choose to work with the middle pillar to charge themselves which is a form of energy work and building up one’s vital power within themselves to higher levels. Added on-top of these two things, working with a name that is really a “moral force” or “personified virtue” and you have a completely internal process going on that is drawing all of this stuff to you. For lack of better words, you are pulling all that you desire, and to yourself, in order to create a better life. That isn’t to say that these beings aren’t external from us, but rather, they know how to activate these forces within us to attract what we want in life, because they literally *are* these forces. The NAP rite relaxes us to make the energy channels open up so energy can flow, then the Central/Middle Pillar fills us up with energy, and finally the “spirit” or “being” that is worked with in the spell takes all these massive amounts of energy generated, and creates what they truly are from it. In this sense, the energy you build up is partially transformed by the “spirit’s” energy signature in order to naturally attract whatever force or virtue they are related to.

Below are the stories behind the different spirits of NAP. I took information from different sources online, yet I found none of them actually crediting where they got it from, so I won’t either, as there is no original place provided to give credit where it is due, except to thank the mysterious authors whom originally contributed it.

ARZEL- (or ARZAL) is one of the four glorious and benevolent angels of the east, who is invoked when one wishes to learn the secret wisdom of God. He has also been attributed to Psalm 80:10, the angel who watches over the sacred seder, "the mountains were overshadowed by the boughs of the cedar of god."Arzal (or Arzel) is one of the four glorious and benevolent angels of the east, who is invoked when one wishes to learn the secret wisdom of God. He has also been attributed to Psalm 80:10, the angel who watches over the sacred seder, "the mountains were overshadowed by the boughs of the cedar of god."

LABEZERIN- Incantation for Winning Contests - In talismanic magic, the genius (spirit) of success. LABEZERIN serves in the 2nd hour of the day. (The Nuctemeron)

NITIKA - A genius of precious stones who presides over the 6th hour. (The Nuctemeron)

(Mighty) ELUBATEL is called upon with two other spirits in the 6th & 7th Books of Moses. The other two spirits are Ebuhuel and Atuesuel, who are called in order to summon demons.

GADIEL- An angel whose name means “God is my wealth”. Interestingly enough, though it’s name has to do with wealth, yet it is used in the NAP spell for protection, so this might be a good angel to work with into the money spell!

ANAEL (Haniel, Hamiel, Onoel, Ariel) – one of the 7 angels of Creation, chief of principalities, prince of archangels, and ruler of Friday angels. Anael exercises dominion over the planet Venus, is one of the luminaries concerned with human sexuality, and is governor of the 2nd Heaven, where he is in charge of prayer ascending from the 1st Heaven. It is Anael who proclaims “open all ye gates” in Isaiah 26:2. In addition, he controls kingdoms and kings on earth and has dominion over the moon. (Along with Gabriel and others) Apart from variations already noted, Anael is, or appears to be Aniyel, Anaphiel (Anafiel), Aufiel. With Uriel, Anael is combined by Shakespeare in The Tempest to form the sprite Ariel. An angel which Anael has been known to be under. Ariel was also quoted by Sir Edward Kelley to be a “comglomerate of Anael and Uriel” In Longfellows The Golden Legend, Anael is one of the angels of the 7 planets, specifically the angel of the Star of Love, (i.e. the Evening Star or Venus). In the Book of Tobit, Anael is the name of Tobit’s brother.

JAZAR- A genius who “compels love.” Jazar is one of the genii of the 7th hour, according to ‘The Nuctemeron’ of Apollonius of Tyana.

PAGIEL- An angel of the moon who is invoked during rituals for the purpose of granting whatever they desire. It may be a good idea to work this angel into any spell, as a way of strengthening results, and helping things manifest smoothly.

KADRIEL- 1 of 3 Kabbalistic angels of prophecy. Created on the eve of the 1st Sabbath. In the Zohar, one of 3 “mouths” created by God at the start of Creation. Another “mouth” created at the same time is the angel Yahadriel. The term seems to denote the voice of prophecy, rather than translation as is the case of the Metatron. The “start of Creation” in which they were created denotes the eve of the first Sabbath (I am unsure who the 3rd angel was, so I will just say that it is Metatron for the time being). (Zohar)

ZOROEL- A Solomonic angel who is able to defeat Kumeatel. One of the thirty-six demons of disease. (I feel that it would be advantageous for the healer to track down each Solomonic angel that is known for defeating each one of the 36 demons of disease in order to find which angels would work best for healing a specific ailment)

SABRIEL- An archangel who is one of the two chiefs of the Tarshishim “the brilliant ones” who are the equivalent of the Virtues- the other is Tarshiel. He is also a guardian of the hall of the First Heaven and is the only angel capable of defeating the demon Sphendonael (a demon of disease).

(Mightiest) DYNAMIS- “Miraculous Powers”. This is also a word that represents an entire class of angels.

IAOTH- In the Testament of Solomon, Iaoth is one of the 7 Archangels (a variant of the 7 Aeons). He is equated with Beqa, the first and fallen of the Aeons. By the power of Iaoth’s name, the demon Kurteel (who causes bowel pains) can be overcome. In the sense that Kurteel is a variant of Kasbeel (Beqa’s title after the fall), calling the name of Iaoth in aid seems to indicate some conjuration of his former divine nature.

PETAHYAH- Cabalistic angel who rules the Northern region of heaven.

OPIEL- Angel who aids individuals in obtaining love of a desired one.

Now let’s have some fun and strip away the spells for a second that these spirits are worked into and instead combine them in ways based on what we now know about them, and what they are supposedly good at doing. I also feel that it would be more powerful to group up the other beings that a spirit was originally featured with. So for example: Elubatel (Success), Ebuhuel, and Atuesuel (6th and 7th Books of Moses). Kadriel (To Know Secret Knowledge) Yahadriel, and Metatron (Zohar). Sabriel and Tarshiel (Solomonic angels). It may also be a good idea to work with entire hierarchies. All 72 Shem angels, all Solomonic angels, perhaps each spirit in ‘The Nuctemeron’ who has the desired powers that is needed, and combine them together for different spells. Geof Gray-Cobb, cobbled together different traditions, and it gets working results, though it could perhaps be more beneficial to stick with a single tradition when it comes to casting a spell rather than combining as many as possible. The beings of one tradition are likely more familiar with each other, and have better working relationships that are already established, which is why it was smart, and a good move on his part to pair the Shem angels together in the aforementioned spells.

For starters, let’s take the love spell which features both ANAEL and JAZAR. We could certainly add OPIEL to the mix (or any spirit for that matter within reason of accomplishing the set objective of the spell) as we now know that this spirit helps in matters of love. And though PAGIEL is in the Incantation to Rekindle a Mate’s Interest, there is no reason why this being could not be added to *any* spell in order to strengthen it, as we now know that it helps grant wishes (Note: I would recommend casting love spells at one's risk. They tend to go awry, and mess things up for all those concerned, though it might be entirely possible to avoid this kind of conflict by having the right kind of roster of spirits backing you up like I was suggesting above. One may also benefit from being a little creative, and finding different ways to work with them, as they are all great spirits).

Therefore, we could do something like this: Work exclusively with beings from a specific system, in this example I will use the ones from ‘The Nuctemeron’ and though they rule over different hours of the day, these forces still exist regardless of what time it is, and in my opinion, they can be called upon just as powerfully, regardless of what the clock says.

I chose to take all the names of the different spirits from ‘The Nuctemeron’, and create different categories in which one might benefit from having more direction in working with them. Of course one can also do whatever they desire to fit their needs. I just find that it makes more sense for me personally, and a lot easier when it has some form of organization like this. I even included my own interpretation in parenthesis on some of these "moral forces" and "personified virtues" as they can be confusing at times. Keep in mind that with my descriptions, this is how I mostly view them, so they could have completely different meanings from my own perspective. And also, once again I will repeat this passage from 'The Nuctemeron' as it is something that I’m really trying to drive home in this current blog.

“By these genii the ancient hierophants understood neither angels nor demons, but moral forces or personified virtues.”


 PAPUS, physician

 ZALBURIS, genius of therapeutics

 CAUSUB, serpent-charming genius (This relates to the Caduceus and Kundalini)

 SALILUS, genius who sets doors open (This relates to the chakras or kabbalistic gates)


 KASPHUIA, necromancer

 MIZKUN, genius of amulets

 TORVATUS, genius of discord

 NITIBUS, genius of the stars

 MASCARUN, genius of death

 EISTIBUS, genius of divination

 TABLIBIK, genius of fascination

 TACRITAU, genius of Goetic magic

 UPHLATUS, genius of the quintessence

 TUKIPHAT, genius of the schamir (This is the tool that King Solomon was said to have used to build his temple with, and that Moses used to engrave the stones placed into the Priestly breastplate)

 ZIZUPH, genius of mysteries

 SABLIL, genius who discovers thieves

 COLOPATIRON, genius who sets prisons open (I wish Franz Bardon knew about this one)

 ZEFFAK, genius of irrevocable choice

 SEZARBIL, devil or hostile genius

 MASTHO, genius of delusive appearances

 PHALDOR, genius of oracles

 ZOPHAS, genius of pantacles

 KALAB, genius of sacred vessels

 HAHAB, genius of royal tables

 MARNES, genius of the discernment of spirits

 SELLEN, genius of the favour of the great


 HEIGLOT, genius of snowstorms

 HIZARBIN, genius of the seas

 SUPHLATUS, genius of the dust

 BARCUS, genius of the quintessence

 SUCLAGUS, genius of fire

 SCHACHLJL, genius of the sun's rays

 EGLUN, genius of the lightning

CURSING: (Remember that all the beings of ‘The Nuctemeron’ were said to be "forces" and "personified virtues" so be careful with what you’re playing with. It may be best to work with external beings like the Shem angels as Geof Gray-Cobb did in NAP, if you’re going to curse. I personally have not experimented with these particular forces yet under this specific category, as it runs the possible risk of effecting the person calling them, but who knows? Maybe they could help with transmuting this stuff into its positive form within someone).

 ZAHUN, genius of scandal

 HAHABI, genius of fear

 EIRNEUS, destroying genius of idols

 THAGRINUS, genius of confusion

 SISLAU, genius of poisons

 ZEIRNA, genius of infirmities (ailment)

 AZEUPH, destroyer of children (In the passage that this comes from, it was related to the devil, again, think "moral forces" and "personified virtues)".

 TARAB, genius of extortion.

 MISRAN, genius of persecution


 SISERA, genius of desire

 PHARZUPH, genius of fornication

 SCHIEKRON, genius of bestial love (I am not entirely sure on this one, though I think it is implying the worship of animal-like gods *not* bestiality. As they use the term “ministers of bestial love” in the passage. This to me would denote Paganism in general. At any rate, best way to go about it would be to make contact and find out!)

 CAMAYSAR, genius of the marriage of contraries (again, a little confusing wording here, as this may have to do with bringing together opposing ideas, rather than bringing two people into union who may have differing opinions or personalities, but why not try both)

 JAZER, genius who compels love

 ARMILUS, genius of cupidity


 NITIKA, genius of precious stones

 HAATAN, genius who conceals treasures

 SIALUL, genius of prosperity

 LIBRABIS, genius of hidden gold

 TOGLAS, genius of treasures

 RAZANIL, genius of the onyx

 ROSABIS, genius of metals

 SAIR, genius of the stibium of the sages (Stibium is Antimony, which is a type of element or mineral)


 SACHLUPH, genius of plants

 EIRNILUS, genius of fruits

 EISNUCH, genius of agriculture

 ZUPHLAS, genius of forests

 ADJUCHAS, genius of rocks.


 MIZGITARI, genius of eagles

 ALPHUN, genius of doves

 BUCAPHI, genius of striges


 SINBUCK, judge

 BAGLIS, genius of measure and balance

 LABEZERIN, genius of success

 ZAROBI, genius of precipices (Again, more weird wording. I look at this like the Fool Tarot card, in avoiding the cliff that one is about to step off of)

 CAHOR, genius of deception

 PHALGUS, genius of judgment

 ACLAHAYR, genius of sport

 TABRIS, genius of free will

 SUSABO, genius of voyages

 HATIPHAS, genius of attire

 ZAREN, avenging genius

 SABRUS, sustaining genius

 CUNIALI, genius of association

 HAVEN, genius of dignity

 PHLOGABITUS, genius of adornments

 KATARIS, genius of dogs or of the profane

 HALACHO, genius of sympathies

 LABUS, genius of inquisition


 BUTATAR, genius of calculations

 NANTUR, genius of writing

 KIRTABUS, genius of languages

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