Saturday, December 12, 2015

Exercise for Achieving Bliss

>>yo Riv, you busy atm?<<

What's up! J

>>got a couple of questions 'bout meditation, but if you're busy at the moment I wouldn't want to take your time

I mean, I'm in no hurry<<


>>well, through meditating I found a profound bliss at the edge of the bottom of my being, beyond fear, past grudges, pain, lies, and every little piece of weight that erodes the being, there's only gratefullness, a feeling of being at home, a big "thank you" for being alive. But I have found it's impossible to retain or "bring forward", I mean, when the inertia of things starts again, then said fears, pains, etc set in again, and the monad or center is obscured

do you think it may be possible to bring forward the bliss forever? I mean, live consciously in that state<<

May this simple exercise suffice: Relax and gently slip into trance Allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper into yourself yet while staying completely relaxed. Now, when you feel comfortable and like everything is perfect, simply affirm that "this is the best feeling ever" and allow it to completely provide you with all you could ever want or need in one profound and ever increasing feeling, filling you up, your entire being, with the continued feeling of bliss that you desire. Allowing this feeling to live in a way, a life of its own by surrendering to it, and breathing it in, increasing the feeling with each breath, yet without forcing it. Allow this feeling to simply exist. Becoming more and more relaxed, moving deeper and deeper, more and more relaxed. Far greater bliss is achieved. Sinking further into this profound state makes sense, and continuing to feel it flow as long as you would like, allowing it to be uninterrupted, and feeling enchanted with deeper feelings of bliss as you move further into it. When coming out of this, you will carry this with you where you go, having experienced it, you can now tap into it at any time and experience it as long as you desire it to flow. Allow this feeling to love you, and to remove all fear. Allow it to play with whatever stirs you up inside, and reign peace within your inner temple, where your spirit resides.

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